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A simple example to get started

In this example, we’ll use base R’s airquality dataset.

#   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
# 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1
# 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2
# 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3
# 4    18     313 11.5   62     5   4
# 5    NA      NA 14.3   56     5   5
# 6    28      NA 14.9   66     5   6

Our goal is to create an analysis pipeline that performs the following steps:

  • add new data column Temp.Celsius containing the temperature in degrees Celsius
  • fit a linear model to the data
  • plot the data and the model fit.

In the following, we’ll show how to define and run the pipeline, how to inspect the output of specifics steps, and finally how to re-run the pipeline with different parameter settings, which is one of the selling points of using such a pipeline.

Define the pipeline

For easier understanding, we go step by step. First, we create a new pipeline with the name “my-pipeline” and the airquality dataset as input data.


pip <- Pipeline$new("my-pipeline", data = airquality)

Let’s view the pipeline in it’s table form after initialization.

#      step depends    out keepOut  group  state
#    <char>  <list> <list>  <lgcl> <char> <char>
# 1:   data         [NULL]   FALSE   data    New

Here, each step is represented by one row in the table where the step column lists the name of the step and the state column shows the current state of the step. For now, don’t worry about the other columns - they are explained later.

As you can see, the data is always the first step in the pipeline and initially it is in state New, which means the pipeline has not been run yet.

Next, we add a step called data_prep, which consists of a function that takes the output of the data step as its first argument, adds a new column and returns the modified data as its output. To refer to the output of an earlier pipeline step, we just write the name of the step preceded with the tilde (~) operator.

    function(data = ~data) {
        replace(data, "Temp.Celsius", (data[, "Temp"] - 32) * 5/9)

Again, let’s inspect the pipeline.

#         step depends    out keepOut     group  state
#       <char>  <list> <list>  <lgcl>    <char> <char>
# 1:      data         [NULL]   FALSE      data    New
# 2: data_prep    data [NULL]   FALSE data_prep    New

A second step called data_prep was added and it depends on the data step as can be seen in column depends, which will list all dependencies of a step.

Next, we add a step called model_fit, which fits a linear model to the data. The function takes the output of the data_prep and defines a parameter xVar, which is used to specify the variable that is used as predictor in the linear model.

        data = ~data_prep,
        xVar = "Temp.Celsius"
    ) {
        lm(paste("Ozone ~", xVar), data = data)

Lastly, we add a step called model_plot, which plots the data and the linear model fit. The function uses the output from both the model_fit and the data_prep step. It also defines the xVar parameter and a parameter title, which is used as the title of the plot.

        model = ~model_fit,
        data = ~data_prep,
        xVar = "Temp.Celsius",
        title = "Linear model fit"
    ) {
        coeffs <- coefficients(model)
        ggplot(data) +
            geom_point(aes(.data[[xVar]], .data[["Ozone"]])) +
            geom_abline(intercept = coeffs[1], slope = coeffs[2]) +
            labs(title = title)

This completes our pipeline, which now looks as follows:

#          step             depends    out keepOut      group  state
#        <char>              <list> <list>  <lgcl>     <char> <char>
# 1:       data                     [NULL]   FALSE       data    New
# 2:  data_prep                data [NULL]   FALSE  data_prep    New
# 3:  model_fit           data_prep [NULL]   FALSE  model_fit    New
# 4: model_plot model_fit,data_prep [NULL]   FALSE model_plot    New

In the last line, we see that the model_plot step depends on both the model_fit and data_prep step. To visualize a pipeline, we can use the get_graph() method, which returns a list of arguments that can be passed to the visNetwork function from the visNetwork package.

library(visNetwork), args = pip$get_graph()) |>
    visHierarchicalLayout(direction = "LR")

Pipeline integrity

A key feature of pipeflow is that the integrity of a pipeline is verified at definition time. To see this, let’s try to add another step that is referring to a step that does not exist:

    function(data = ~foo) {
# Error: step 'another_step': dependency 'foo' not found

pipeflow immediately signals an error and the pipeline remains unchanged:

#          step             depends    out keepOut      group  state
#        <char>              <list> <list>  <lgcl>     <char> <char>
# 1:       data                     [NULL]   FALSE       data    New
# 2:  data_prep                data [NULL]   FALSE  data_prep    New
# 3:  model_fit           data_prep [NULL]   FALSE  model_fit    New
# 4: model_plot model_fit,data_prep [NULL]   FALSE model_plot    New

Run the pipeline and inspect the output

To run the pipeline, we simply call the run() method on the pipeline, which will produce the following output:

# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:53.754] Start run of 'my-pipeline' pipeline:
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:53.783] Step 1/4 data
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:53.791] Step 2/4 data_prep
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:53.814] Step 3/4 model_fit
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:53.818] Step 4/4 model_plot
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:53.829] Finished execution of steps.
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:53.830] Done.

Let’s inspect the pipeline again.

#          step             depends                 out keepOut      group  state
#        <char>              <list>              <list>  <lgcl>     <char> <char>
# 1:       data                     <data.frame[153x6]>   FALSE       data   Done
# 2:  data_prep                data <data.frame[153x7]>   FALSE  data_prep   Done
# 3:  model_fit           data_prep            <lm[13]>   FALSE  model_fit   Done
# 4: model_plot model_fit,data_prep            <gg[11]>   FALSE model_plot   Done

We can see that the state of all steps have been changed from New to Done, which graphically is represented by the color change from blue to green.

In addition, the output was added in the out column. We can inspect the output of a specific step by calling the get_out() method on the pipeline.

# Call:
# lm(formula = paste("Ozone ~", xVar), data = data)
# Coefficients:
#  (Intercept)  Temp.Celsius  
#      -69.277         4.372


Change parameters of the pipeline

Any parameter of the pipeline that is not bound to a specific step (i.e. is not defined with the tilde (~) operator) can be changed by calling the set_params() method on the pipeline. Let’s first list all unbound parameters:

# $model_fit
# $model_fit$xVar
# [1] "Temp.Celsius"
# $model_plot
# $model_plot$xVar
# [1] "Temp.Celsius"
# $model_plot$title
# [1] "Linear model fit"

Now let’s assume we want to change the xVar in the entire pipeline to "Solar.R". We can do this simply as follows:

pip$set_params(list(xVar = "Solar.R"))
# $model_fit
# $model_fit$xVar
# [1] "Solar.R"
# $model_plot
# $model_plot$xVar
# [1] "Solar.R"
# $model_plot$title
# [1] "Linear model fit"

Changing the parameters of the pipeline at least has an effect on all steps that depend on the changed parameter.

#          step             depends                 out keepOut      group    state
#        <char>              <list>              <list>  <lgcl>     <char>   <char>
# 1:       data                     <data.frame[153x6]>   FALSE       data     Done
# 2:  data_prep                data <data.frame[153x7]>   FALSE  data_prep     Done
# 3:  model_fit           data_prep            <lm[13]>   FALSE  model_fit Outdated
# 4: model_plot model_fit,data_prep            <gg[11]>   FALSE model_plot Outdated

We can see that the model_fit and model_plot steps are now in state Outdated (graphically indicated by the orange color), which means that they need to be rerun. We can do this by calling the run() method on the pipeline again.

# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:54.784] Start run of 'my-pipeline' pipeline:
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:54.785] Step 1/4 data - skip 'done' step
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:54.786] Step 2/4 data_prep - skip 'done' step
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:54.786] Step 3/4 model_fit
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:54.791] Step 4/4 model_plot
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:54.800] Finished execution of steps.
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:54.801] Done.

The outdated steps were re-run as expected and the output was updated accordingly.



To just change the title of the plot, obviously only the model_plot step needs to be rerun.

pip$set_params(list(title = "Some new title"))
#          step             depends                 out keepOut      group    state
#        <char>              <list>              <list>  <lgcl>     <char>   <char>
# 1:       data                     <data.frame[153x6]>   FALSE       data     Done
# 2:  data_prep                data <data.frame[153x7]>   FALSE  data_prep     Done
# 3:  model_fit           data_prep            <lm[13]>   FALSE  model_fit     Done
# 4: model_plot model_fit,data_prep            <gg[11]>   FALSE model_plot Outdated
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.172] Start run of 'my-pipeline' pipeline:
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.173] Step 1/4 data - skip 'done' step
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.174] Step 2/4 data_prep - skip 'done' step
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.175] Step 3/4 model_fit - skip 'done' step
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.177] Step 4/4 model_plot
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.183] Finished execution of steps.
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.183] Done.


If instead we were to change the input data, since all steps depend on it, we expect all steps to be rerun.

pip$set_data(airquality[1:10, ])
#          step             depends                 out keepOut      group    state
#        <char>              <list>              <list>  <lgcl>     <char>   <char>
# 1:       data                                  [NULL]   FALSE       data      New
# 2:  data_prep                data <data.frame[153x7]>   FALSE  data_prep Outdated
# 3:  model_fit           data_prep            <lm[13]>   FALSE  model_fit Outdated
# 4: model_plot model_fit,data_prep            <gg[11]>   FALSE model_plot Outdated
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.462] Start run of 'my-pipeline' pipeline:
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.463] Step 1/4 data
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.467] Step 2/4 data_prep
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.474] Step 3/4 model_fit
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.477] Step 4/4 model_plot
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.486] Finished execution of steps.
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:55.487] Done.


Try setting non-existing parameters

Last but not least let’s see what happens if we are trying to set parameters that don’t exist in the pipeline, which mostly happens due to accidental misspells.

pip$set_params(list(titel = "misspelled variable name", foo = "my foo"))
# Warning in pip$set_params(list(titel = "misspelled variable name", foo = "my foo")): Trying to set
# parameters not defined in the pipeline: titel, foo

As you see, a warning is given to the user hinting at the respective parameter names, which makes fixing any misspells straight-forward.

Next, let’s see how to modify the pipeline.