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Existing pipeline

Let’s start where we left off in the Get started with pipeflow vignette, that is, we have the following pipeline

#          step             depends                out keepOut      group  state
#        <char>              <list>             <list>  <lgcl>     <char> <char>
# 1:       data                     <data.frame[10x6]>   FALSE       data   Done
# 2:  data_prep                data <data.frame[10x7]>   FALSE  data_prep   Done
# 3:  model_fit           data_prep           <lm[13]>   FALSE  model_fit   Done
# 4: model_plot model_fit,data_prep           <gg[11]>   FALSE model_plot   Done

with the following set data

pip$get_data() |> head(3)
#   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
# 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1
# 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2
# 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3

Insert new step

Let’s say we want to insert a new step after the data_prep step that standardizes the y-variable.

    afterStep = "data_prep",
    step = "standardize",
        data = ~`data_prep`,
        yVar = "Ozone"
    ) {
        data[, yVar] <- scale(data[, yVar])
#           step             depends                out keepOut       group  state
#         <char>              <list>             <list>  <lgcl>      <char> <char>
# 1:        data                     <data.frame[10x6]>   FALSE        data   Done
# 2:   data_prep                data <data.frame[10x7]>   FALSE   data_prep   Done
# 3: standardize           data_prep             [NULL]   FALSE standardize    New
# 4:   model_fit           data_prep           <lm[13]>   FALSE   model_fit   Done
# 5:  model_plot model_fit,data_prep           <gg[11]>   FALSE  model_plot   Done
library(visNetwork), args = pip$get_graph()) |>
    visHierarchicalLayout(direction = "LR", sortMethod = "directed")

As we can see, the standardize step is now part of the pipeline, but so far it is not used by any other step.

Replace existing steps

Let’s revisit the function definition of the model_fit step

# [[1]]
# function (data = ~data_prep, xVar = "Temp.Celsius") 
# {
#     lm(paste("Ozone ~", xVar), data = data)
# }

To use the standardized data, we need to change the data dependency such that it refers to the standardize step. Also instead of a fixed y-variable in the model, we want to pass it as a paramter.

        data = ~standardize,        # <- changed data reference
        xVar = "Temp.Celsius",
        yVar = "Ozone"              # <- new y-variable
    ) {
        lm(paste(yVar, "~", xVar), data = data)

The model_plot step needs to be updated in a similar way.

        model = ~model_fit,
        data = ~standardize,         # <- changed data reference
        xVar = "Temp.Celsius",
        yVar = "Ozone",              # <- new y-variable
        title = "Linear model fit"
    ) {
        coeffs <- coefficients(model)
        ggplot(data) +
            geom_point(aes(.data[[xVar]], .data[[yVar]])) +
            geom_abline(intercept = coeffs[1], slope = coeffs[2]) +
            labs(title = title)

The updated pipeline now looks as follows.

#           step               depends                out keepOut       group  state
#         <char>                <list>             <list>  <lgcl>      <char> <char>
# 1:        data                       <data.frame[10x6]>   FALSE        data   Done
# 2:   data_prep                  data <data.frame[10x7]>   FALSE   data_prep   Done
# 3: standardize             data_prep             [NULL]   FALSE standardize    New
# 4:   model_fit           standardize             [NULL]   FALSE   model_fit    New
# 5:  model_plot model_fit,standardize             [NULL]   FALSE  model_plot    New

We see that the model_fit and model_plot steps now use the standardized data. Let’s re-run the pipeline and inspect the output.

pip$set_params(list(xVar = "Solar.R", yVar = "Wind"))
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.140] Start run of 'my-pipeline' pipeline:
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.141] Step 1/5 data - skip 'done' step
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.142] Step 2/5 data_prep - skip 'done' step
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.143] Step 3/5 standardize
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.146] Step 4/5 model_fit
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.148] Step 5/5 model_plot
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.153] Finished execution of steps.
# INFO  [2025-01-03 19:13:00.154] Done.
pip$get_out("model_fit") |> coefficients()
#  (Intercept)      Solar.R 
#  0.979672739 -0.006625601
# Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
# (`geom_point()`).


Removing steps

Let’s see the pipeline again.

#           step               depends                out keepOut       group  state
#         <char>                <list>             <list>  <lgcl>      <char> <char>
# 1:        data                       <data.frame[10x6]>   FALSE        data   Done
# 2:   data_prep                  data <data.frame[10x7]>   FALSE   data_prep   Done
# 3: standardize             data_prep <data.frame[10x7]>   FALSE standardize   Done
# 4:   model_fit           standardize           <lm[13]>   FALSE   model_fit   Done
# 5:  model_plot model_fit,standardize           <gg[11]>   FALSE  model_plot   Done

When you are trying to remove a step, pipeflow by default checks if the step is used by any other step, and raises an error if removing the step would violate the integrity of the pipeline.

# Error : cannot remove step 'standardize' because the following steps depend on it: 'model_fit', 'model_plot'

To enforce removing a step together with all its downstream dependencies, you can use the recursive argument.

pip$remove_step("standardize", recursive = TRUE)
# Removing step 'standardize' and its downstream dependencies: 'model_fit', 'model_plot'
#         step depends                out keepOut     group  state
#       <char>  <list>             <list>  <lgcl>    <char> <char>
# 1:      data         <data.frame[10x6]>   FALSE      data   Done
# 2: data_prep    data <data.frame[10x7]>   FALSE data_prep   Done

Naturally, the last step never has any downstream dependencies, so it can be removed without any issues. There is another way to just remove the last step.

# [1] "data_prep"
#      step depends                out keepOut  group  state
#    <char>  <list>             <list>  <lgcl> <char> <char>
# 1:   data         <data.frame[10x6]>   FALSE   data   Done

Replacing steps in a pipeline as shown in this vignette will allow to re-use existing pipelines and adapt them programmatically to new requirements. Another way of re-using pipelines is to combine them, which is shown in the Combining pipelines vignette.