Get the pipeline as a graph with nodes and edges.
list with two data frames, one for nodes and one for edges
ready to be used with the visNetwork::visNetwork()
function of the
visNetwork package.
p <- pipe_new("pipe", data = 1:2)
pipe_add(p, "add1", \(data = ~data, x = 1) x + data)
pipe_add(p, "add2", \(x = 1, y = ~add1) x + y)
pipe_add(p, "mult1", \(x = ~add1, y = ~add2) x * y)
graph <- pipe_get_graph(p)
#> $nodes
#> id label group shape color title
#> 1 1 data data database lightblue <p></p>
#> 2 2 add1 add1 box lightblue <p></p>
#> 3 3 add2 add2 box lightblue <p></p>
#> 4 4 mult1 mult1 box lightblue <p></p>
#> $edges
#> from to arrows
#> add1 1 2 to
#> add2 2 3 to
#> mult1.x 2 4 to
#> mult1.y 3 4 to
if (require("visNetwork", quietly = TRUE)) {, args = graph)