Can be used to remove any given step.
If other steps depend on the step to be removed, an error is
given and the removal is blocked, unless recursive
was set to TRUE
p <- pipe_new("pipe", data = 1:2)
pipe_add(p, "add1", \(data = ~data, x = 1) x + data)
pipe_add(p, "add2", \(x = 1, y = ~add1) x + y)
pipe_add(p, "mult1", \(x = 1, y = ~add2) x * y)
#> step depends out keepOut group state
#> <char> <list> <list> <lgcl> <char> <char>
#> 1: data [NULL] FALSE data New
#> 2: add1 data [NULL] FALSE add1 New
#> 3: add2 add1 [NULL] FALSE add2 New
#> 4: mult1 add2 [NULL] FALSE mult1 New
pipe_remove_step(p, "mult1")
#> step depends out keepOut group state
#> <char> <list> <list> <lgcl> <char> <char>
#> 1: data [NULL] FALSE data New
#> 2: add1 data [NULL] FALSE add1 New
#> 3: add2 add1 [NULL] FALSE add2 New
try(pipe_remove_step(p, "add1"))
#> Error : cannot remove step 'add1' because the following steps depend on it: 'add2'
pipe_remove_step(p, "add1", recursive = TRUE)
#> Removing step 'add1' and its downstream dependencies: 'add2'
#> step depends out keepOut group state
#> <char> <list> <list> <lgcl> <char> <char>
#> 1: data [NULL] FALSE data New