Safely rename a step in the pipeline. If new step name would result in a name clash, an error is given.
p <- pipe_new("pipe", data = 1:2)
pipe_add(p, "add1", \(data = ~data, x = 1) x + data)
pipe_add(p, "add2", \(x = 1, y = ~add1) x + y)
#> step depends out keepOut group state
#> <char> <list> <list> <lgcl> <char> <char>
#> 1: data [NULL] FALSE data New
#> 2: add1 data [NULL] FALSE add1 New
#> 3: add2 add1 [NULL] FALSE add2 New
try(pipe_rename_step(p, from = "add1", to = "add2"))
#> Error : step 'add2' already exists
pipe_rename_step(p, from = "add1", to = "first_add")
#> step depends out keepOut group state
#> <char> <list> <list> <lgcl> <char> <char>
#> 1: data [NULL] FALSE data New
#> 2: first_add data [NULL] FALSE add1 New
#> 3: add2 first_add [NULL] FALSE add2 New