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This function can be used to apply the pipeline repeatedly to various data sets. For this, the pipeline split-copies itself by the list of given data sets. Each sub-pipeline will have one of the data sets set as input data. The step names of the sub-pipelines will be the original step names plus the name of the data set.


  toStep = character(),
  groupBySplit = TRUE,
  sep = "."



Pipeline object


list of data sets


string step name marking optional subset of the pipeline, to which the data split should be applied to.


logical whether to set step groups according to data split.


string separator to be used between step name and data set name when creating the new step names.


new combined Pipeline with each sub-pipeline having set one of the data sets.


# Split by three data sets
dataList <- list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
p <- pipe_new("pipe")
pipe_add(p, "add1", \(x = ~data) x + 1, keepOut = TRUE)
pipe_add(p, "mult", \(x = ~data, y = ~add1) x * y, keepOut = TRUE)
pipe_set_data_split(p, dataList)
#>      step       depends    out keepOut  group    state
#>    <char>        <list> <list>  <lgcl> <char>   <char>
#> 1: data.a               [NULL]   FALSE      a      New
#> 2: add1.a        data.a [NULL]    TRUE      a Outdated
#> 3: mult.a data.a,add1.a [NULL]    TRUE      a Outdated
#> 4: data.b               [NULL]   FALSE      b      New
#> 5: add1.b        data.b [NULL]    TRUE      b Outdated
#> 6: mult.b data.b,add1.b [NULL]    TRUE      b Outdated
#> 7: data.c               [NULL]   FALSE      c      New
#> 8: add1.c        data.c [NULL]    TRUE      c Outdated
#> 9: mult.c data.c,add1.c [NULL]    TRUE      c Outdated

p |> pipe_run() |> pipe_collect_out() |> str()
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.669] Start run of 'pipe' pipeline:
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.670] Step 1/9 data.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.678] Step 2/9 add1.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.681] Step 3/9 mult.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.684] Step 4/9 data.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.686] Step 5/9 add1.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.688] Step 6/9 mult.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.690] Step 7/9 data.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.692] Step 8/9 add1.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.694] Step 9/9 mult.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.695] Finished execution of steps.
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.696] Done.
#> List of 3
#>  $ a:List of 2
#>   ..$ add1.a: num 2
#>   ..$ mult.a: num 2
#>  $ b:List of 2
#>   ..$ add1.b: num 3
#>   ..$ mult.b: num 6
#>  $ c:List of 2
#>   ..$ add1.c: num 4
#>   ..$ mult.c: num 12

# Don't group output by split
p <- pipe_new("pipe")
pipe_add(p, "add1", \(x = ~data) x + 1, keepOut = TRUE)
pipe_add(p, "mult", \(x = ~data, y = ~add1) x * y, keepOut = TRUE)
pipe_set_data_split(p, dataList, groupBySplit = FALSE)
#>      step       depends    out keepOut  group    state
#>    <char>        <list> <list>  <lgcl> <char>   <char>
#> 1: data.a               [NULL]   FALSE data.a      New
#> 2: add1.a        data.a [NULL]    TRUE add1.a Outdated
#> 3: mult.a data.a,add1.a [NULL]    TRUE mult.a Outdated
#> 4: data.b               [NULL]   FALSE data.b      New
#> 5: add1.b        data.b [NULL]    TRUE add1.b Outdated
#> 6: mult.b data.b,add1.b [NULL]    TRUE mult.b Outdated
#> 7: data.c               [NULL]   FALSE data.c      New
#> 8: add1.c        data.c [NULL]    TRUE add1.c Outdated
#> 9: mult.c data.c,add1.c [NULL]    TRUE mult.c Outdated

p |> pipe_run() |> pipe_collect_out() |> str()
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.723] Start run of 'pipe' pipeline:
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.724] Step 1/9 data.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.726] Step 2/9 add1.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.728] Step 3/9 mult.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.730] Step 4/9 data.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.732] Step 5/9 add1.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.734] Step 6/9 mult.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.736] Step 7/9 data.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.738] Step 8/9 add1.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.740] Step 9/9 mult.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.741] Finished execution of steps.
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.741] Done.
#> List of 6
#>  $ add1.a: num 2
#>  $ mult.a: num 2
#>  $ add1.b: num 3
#>  $ mult.b: num 6
#>  $ add1.c: num 4
#>  $ mult.c: num 12

# Split up to certain step
p <- pipe_new("pipe")
pipe_add(p, "add1", \(x = ~data) x + 1)
pipe_add(p, "mult", \(x = ~data, y = ~add1) x * y)
pipe_add(p, "average_result", \(x = ~mult) mean(unlist(x)), keepOut = TRUE)
#>              step   depends    out keepOut          group  state
#>            <char>    <list> <list>  <lgcl>         <char> <char>
#> 1:           data           [NULL]   FALSE           data    New
#> 2:           add1      data [NULL]   FALSE           add1    New
#> 3:           mult data,add1 [NULL]   FALSE           mult    New
#> 4: average_result      mult [NULL]    TRUE average_result    New
#>      x 
#> "mult" 

pipe_set_data_split(p, dataList, toStep = "mult")
#>               step       depends    out keepOut          group    state
#>             <char>        <list> <list>  <lgcl>         <char>   <char>
#>  1:         data.a               [NULL]   FALSE              a      New
#>  2:         add1.a        data.a [NULL]   FALSE              a Outdated
#>  3:         mult.a data.a,add1.a [NULL]   FALSE              a Outdated
#>  4:         data.b               [NULL]   FALSE              b      New
#>  5:         add1.b        data.b [NULL]   FALSE              b Outdated
#>  6:         mult.b data.b,add1.b [NULL]   FALSE              b Outdated
#>  7:         data.c               [NULL]   FALSE              c      New
#>  8:         add1.c        data.c [NULL]   FALSE              c Outdated
#>  9:         mult.c data.c,add1.c [NULL]   FALSE              c Outdated
#> 10: average_result     <list[1]> [NULL]    TRUE average_result      New
#> $x
#> [1] "mult.a" "mult.b" "mult.c"

p |> pipe_run() |> pipe_collect_out() |> str()
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.782] Start run of 'pipe' pipeline:
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.783] Step 1/10 data.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.786] Step 2/10 add1.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.788] Step 3/10 mult.a
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.790] Step 4/10 data.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.792] Step 5/10 add1.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.794] Step 6/10 mult.b
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.796] Step 7/10 data.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.799] Step 8/10 add1.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.801] Step 9/10 mult.c
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.804] Step 10/10 average_result
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.805] Finished execution of steps.
#> INFO  [2025-01-03 19:12:47.805] Done.
#> List of 1
#>  $ average_result: num 6.67